Tuesday, November 17, 2009

September's Giveaway

Two weeks later, I'm finally getting around to posting the bag that was ordered by September's Giveaway winner! After a few emails and swatches sent back and forth, Tanya decided to go with a funky print from Ikea's fabric selection. I then paired it with a rusty-orange fabric and got to work!
I apologize for the less than stellar photography. I had to borrow a snap-n-shoot from someone and couldn't really get the lighting quite right!

Part of the reason for the delay was that I had intended to drive to Tanya's to take pictures of her and the new baby. Naturally, nature had other plans and I came down with a rather annoying case of Strep Throat. In the end I had to ship the bag instead.

On the good side of life, I was fiddling around with my old camera and surprise! It has risen from the dead! The good part of this is that I can go back to post more photos and getting the shots that I want. The down side of course, is that this means I will not be getting a new camera for Christmas. I just could not justify spending the money on something we already had - even if it would have been a nice upgrade. I'm just going to have to do a better job of "loving" my old camera to death!