The problem is that basic cotton no longer holds a challenge for me. I'm craving a new experience and I think my senses are leading me towards something.....stretchy. My fear of stretch fabrics goes back to about grade 6, when my mom let me do some light sewing with some stretch cotton fabric, leftover from some t-shirts she made me. It was awful. Traumatizing. All I remember is wanting to sob in frustration while the fabric bunched up and my thread gathered into gigantic knots.
I'm also taking a leap and making an attempt at sewing something for myself to wear. I love sewing for kids. Kids are more forgiving about fit and they don't care if their hips look big. I care deeply. For my first project I am going to be sewing a dress from the pattern pictured below. It's a Simplicity pattern, and one of the "It's So Easy" variety. I didn't realize until after I bought it that it requires boning in the bodice. Who decided that boning was easy???
The main reason for choosing this particular pattern is the cut. It's very forgiving in the hip area, plus it accentuates the waistline - or hopefully it will give me one! I'm also a sucker for anything that remotely resembles the style of the 50's. Pair this baby with a cute little cardigan and I am all over it!
Stumbled on this Buffy. I always suspected that you were brilliant - this kind of confirms it for me. Wow!